Esoteric Wellness
At Esoteric Wellness we discuss health & wellness knowledge that isn't generally well known or well accepted. From new scientific research to alternative wellness methods to mind-body techniques to psychedelics to emerging theories. Our intent is to help to make sense of the information that is out there, identify the BS, and introduce new information. Health & wellness is a struggle, and our hope is to clear up some of the misunderstandings and misconceptions around it. Send us an email with all your questions, comments, topic requests, or just to say hi at esotericwellnesspodcast@gmail.com.
Esoteric Wellness
Esoteric Wellness Blog - Episode 19 - Replacing Complaining with Positivity
This is a follow-up to episode 18 where I discussed how complaining increases our suffering. In this episode I describe some simple practical tools that one can use to replace a habit of complaining with more positive habits. This will ultimately lead to less suffering in life without even changing any circumstances. This is a small part of the overall learning that we are in control of how we feel and how to wield that power to create a happy and fulfilling life independently of what happens to us in life.